Monday, April 12, 2010

Process Essay: How to Lose Weight Easily

Nowadays, obesity is one of the leading causes of deaths in our world. People struggling with their weight are obssessed in losing their unwanted fats in an instant. With the high-cost ad danger of going under the knife, it is safe and cheap to lose weight the natural way. There are five, easy-to-do steps on how to lose weight.

Other people's diet is the first step. Another person's diet may not work for you like it did others. It is due to the simple fact that your body is different from others; it is unique in its own way. It is caused by the genes in our body that caused variation from others. Therefore, go not use other people's diets.

Second, exercise it works your body, tones up your muscles and keeps your body active. Exercise also regulates the body processes and changes your calorie needs. It also gives energy during the day.

The third step is metabolism — it is defined as the rate at which the body digests and consumes what we place in our mouths. So, case in point is, eat more meals a day, but less in your meals. Also remember, people's metabolism is affected by genes, age and gender.

The next step is to eat healthy. So eat high-protein, low fat, low carb and low calorie food; drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Do not drink sugary or alcoholic beverages; refrain eating from fastfood and unhealthy desserts and snacks. Instead, replace them with fruits and other healthier alternatives.

The last step is to live healthy. Try to get eight to ten hours of sleep and do not go out late at night. Walk or invest in a bike, instead of riding any transportation vehicle. Take the long way ; it may be harder but also helps one to lose weight easier.

In conclusion, one must really devote themselves in doing and following the steps that I have stated. As we all know, losing weight is not a walk in the park. Losing weight naturally helps us to be more healthy and live a healthy lifestyle. Being healthy and fit helps us boost our confidence and even helps us save money. Continuing to live like this helps us prolong our lives. However, in exercising, one must remember moderation and rationalization. One must not push themselves too hard. It takes time and perseverance in order to achieve desired results.

This was our first essay for ENGLCOM, it was certainly hard for me because I have not written any essay like this. But it was a good start for me because I was able to somehow give justice to this essay =)


  1. Hey guys just wanted to share my experience with you guys, I followed the instructions on and it helped me alot. I lost 30 pounds in 45 days. I highly recommend you guys try it.

  2. thanks for this very informative article. It was such a great thing!^_^ cheers

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  4. Yes, if you follow the meal plan, the exercise plan, and keep it up for 3 weeks, I firmly believe you can lose 10 pound. I think
    you could follow the 3 week diet plan to lose 15 pounds.For more details Visit here.

  5. wow it's very interesting topic

  6. To lose just 1 pound of body fat, you need to reduce your daily calories by about 500 a day for a whole week. That's giving up 3,500 calories over the course of 7 days. To lose 10 pounds in 3 days would mean decreasing your calorie intake by 35,000 calories in just 3 days.
